Conversations Page 6
mean. At least in some other countries, the people seem to be waking up a little more than we here in America. They are protesting and so on. In some of the less developed nations, the people are even fighting all out armed warfare.
WM: Yes, that’s true, but for the most part, the vast majority of people are unaware of what is going on, who is behind things, and what to do about it. Even when the people do rise up to oppose their masters’, they still play the elite’s game, by their rules, and on their turf. For the most part, people still support something like the same system that they have been living under, and the same rules, even when they are mad at their government. They need to pay attention to those who are opposing the establishment, and start thinking about what is going on.
Take us here in America. We are a good example, because we are such an extreme example of naiveté and nation worship. At least America is still number one in something.
PT: We may be number one in this now, but the other countries are really catching up fast in this area. At least we’re still number one in incarceration rate, drone warfare, and other important areas. Yea!
WM: Yes! To continue. I wonder just what kind of a people the Americans are. For that matter, I wonder what kinds of people populate this world. It’s not just the Americans that seem to have strayed from the path of reason and decency.
What kind of people can look at a Romney or Obama, and want either of those amoral psychopath elitists to run their country and be a major player on the world stage? What type of people cannot see through their sloganism, and look at their records and be horrified and ashamed to support them? Furthermore, how is it that these people cannot know that there are other candidates available? This is just one immediate example of the naiveté, stupidity, criminal blindness, and ignorance of a brain-dead, flag-waving, red-necked, useful idiot, cannon fodder, and moronic people.
PT: Wow! What a mouthful!
Any nation able to produce citizens with just a working class income, that are so stupid, that they will vote for a party of millionaires, that believes in taxing the lower classes to death while giving every break imaginable to the rich, should be congratulated on their absolute phenomenal success at propaganda. Can these citizens be so afraid of the word “liberal”, that they are willing to cut their own throats? These people will cheer the raping of girls and the killing of babies in Iraq, but will demand a vote against abortion in cases of rape here. Yes, the propaganda machine is truly to be congratulated.
WM: There are many other examples that I could give, For instance, consider the following: What type of people would consider allowing their sons and daughters go into the military, no matter how rotten the economy is or how hard it is to afford school in this country - unless you are a basketball star of course. Who could watch the soldiers murdering, robbing, and raping their way across the 3rd world, fighting farmers and shopkeepers who are just trying to protect their family from an invading hoard, and give their undying support and love to these monsters? Who could be so scared of some rag headed peon, without so much as two coins to rub together, that they would give up their last vestiges of freedom in order to gain protection from them? What happened to the minds and souls of these people?
If their existence is so delicate and, at the same time, so necessary, that it depends upon destroying the world and all the people, animals, trees, rivers, and mountains in it, then maybe they would do better to stop, and save their souls. They could also save the rest of the world at the same time. Is any red necked flag waving moron worth the price it seems to take to keep them alive and happy? Maybe they could stop supporting a culture of war and destruction, and examine their world to see if there is another reality, other than the one they see.
The land raping red necks assuage their guilt and culpability for this system by hiding behind their religiosity and patriotism. The little Eichmanns, who support the armies and corporate raiders, hide behind their denial, cognitive dissonance, and other Freudian defense mechanisms to assuage their guilt and complicity for an out of control, paranoid system and its atrocities. The corporate elites and their gun toting lackeys in the police and military, hide behind their mandates from on high to assuage their responsibilities for the evils that they do to their fellow citizens and the victims in the rest of the world. All of the denial, criminal blindness, and the rest, is just so much doublethink. It masks their arrogance, exceptionalism, ego, and self-importance.
PT: But what would it take to correct this state of affairs? If the people are, as you say, complacent in the actions of their societies and nations, and don’t see the harm they are doing, how do you get them to stop? Maybe they need help. Who could help them to get on the right path again? It seems like they cannot see what they are doing if they are in denial. They certainly don’t see that their government, corporations, and the like, are doing anything wrong. They can’t even see that what the police, military, and others are doing, to the few that are trying to correct things, is wrong.
WM: It appears that the situation will never be corrected. The American and now other people as well, will never see the light. In America, the people’s religion is America. Their god is the government and ruling elites. Whatever their god says goes. Their faith and beliefs are unshakable. No amount of evidence to the contrary will ever dissuade them from their love and trust.
What I think has happened is that the Americans think of themselves as a “Good” people. They know that if they ever saw any evil being done, their high morality would make them to jump right in and put a stop to it. The thing is they just don’t see any evil. Everything is as it should be. This is their “criminal blindness”. Other Freudian defense mechanisms also come into play when required.
These people will grasp and hold on to any explanation the elites give them, in order to allow them to continue to believe in their government and nation, and their own goodness. The purpose of propaganda is not to make the person believe, but just to allow him an excuse to believe.
All in all, America – or whatever country – couldn’t happen to a more deserving people. There is an old saying that says: The people always get the government they are willing to endure. For the most part, America is a nation of flag waving morons, so dumbed down, that they don’t even know they are living in a Fascist hell hole. They think they are “Free”. The same goes for the people of almost every other country of the world.
Maybe people just naturally have a propensity to embrace fascism. Maybe their hero worship of the pigs and military, no matter how evil they behave; their patriotism; fundamentalism; exceptionalism; and fanaticism just leads them to accept the fascist state as being a natural extension of their own personalities. The vindictiveness, jealousy, paranoia, and hate and fear of any but a small circle of “friends”, makes them ideally suited to being under a fascist society.
The few who are even partially awake, should take some good advice, and not fight it anymore. They would do well to just keep their eyes down, and their mouths shut, and hope for the best. If they want to do anything to change things, do it covertly, and concentrate on waking up their fellow citizens. Who knows, maybe after another hundred years, and a million more draconian laws, maybe the majority will be ready to listen. A dollar in a hat and an email to some sleeping beauty, if done regularly, may make God take notice and forgive you for a life otherwise full of ineffectuality. In any case, it’s better than violently and constantly banging your head against a brick well.
Maybe it is like they say, if you are not at least doing some little thing to fight injustice, you are complacent in it, and even enabling it. While so many are so deeply asleep, maybe a string of small anonymous actions is all one can be asked to do. Throwing one’s self on the bayonets of an enemy that has no humanity to care, is a futile act. Save your efforts to try to change your fellow citizens first.
PT: You know, It sounds that you don’t like Americans very much. It sounds like you don’t
like people very much. Is there anything good that you have to say about anyone?
WM: Well, I know that it sounds like that, but I think that it is only because I always tend to talk about the negative things that I see. When something is going well, I don’t worry about it. I should say that, generally speaking, Americans and other people are not a bad lot. They are just so unaware, that it makes me irritated sometimes. Suppose there are arrogant punks everywhere that give a people a bad reputation. It seems like nations cultivate this, so that they will have plenty of recruits for their military and police, but they are not a part of the normal culture.
I think that the main problem is that the government and other elite elements have so corrupted the people, the people are thoroughly brainwashed. This brainwashing appears to cause arrogance in the people when they talk politics. Their arrogance is only matched by their ignorance and naiveté. It makes them exceptionally buffoon like, obnoxious, and anal.
PT: Well Willie, I see it’s getting late. I will talk to you again soon.
WM: O.K.
Harry Ziboo had insisted that I accompany him to a small, rustic,