Conversations Page 12
believe they have accomplished.
I think that history will show that it was the American people especially, but also the Western people in general, who were the main cause of most of the ills in the 21st century, and the last part of the 20th century. The blame will be put squarely on the common citizen, and not on the governments, elites, corporations, bankers, or the gun toting lackeys and sniveling little toadies that did their bidding. At the same time, I believe that the Germans of the 30,s and 40’s will finally be exonerated from the blame that has been heaped upon them by the rest of the world, led by the Zionists.
PT: These are extraordinary statements to make, even for a Berkeley Radical. How is this going to be possible?
WL: Look, It is not that history will look at people like Obama, Bush, Hitler, all of the Israeli leaders, and all of the rest of the racist, Islamaphobic world leaders, as just doing their jobs, or doing what needed to be done, etc. Of course they will be seen as amoral monster psychopaths, thanks to the benefit of “Distance” that the future historians will have. The thing that history will not forgive is the criminal blindness and willing stupidity and naiveté that the Americans especially, as well as all the rest of the world, chose to have.
The Western civilizations had things that Nazi Germany never dreamed of, television, the internet, the first amendment, the perspective of having experienced Nazi Germany, South Africa, and the Nuremberg Trials and the mandates that came out of that, etc. History will show that the Americans, followed by the rest of the Western world, walked into the fascism of their societies with their eyes purposely closed, and later, when they opened their eyes, they maintained their worship of their states, and their hatred of Islam and the idea of other 3rd world nations ever getting out from under the heel of America. They were willing to let their governments and corporations destroy the people of the world, in order to maintain their comfort and privilege. It wasn’t their governments that did this, it was the people. Even the few –semi-awake - that did fight against this state of affairs were so purposefully weak and ineffectual, that they rendered their resistance useless. Those that resisted still maintained their fear and secret hate of the designated enemy of the day –even though they knew they were being lied to. They were so afraid, or maybe “Good”, that they swore off any type of resistance, other that the most ineffectual, like singing songs and carrying signs. They wouldn’t even consider the actions of Iceland as on the table.
Even those who believed that 911, Al Queada, The Muslim Menace, and the like, were lies, still were too naïve to let go of their subconscious fear and blame of these boogiemen. History will ask why.
Now I am not suggesting armed resistance should have been tried, not against such a ruthless and powerful cartel as the U.S., or against any oppressive government. There are many “non-violent” things that they could have done. They could have had boycotts, civil disobedience, and so on, yet they didn’t even do this. They were so feeble and gentle. They maintained an undying love for their societies and their norms, that they couldn’t consider any better world. These attitudes prevented them from seeking any real change. The Germans didn’t have this luxury.
Now, there are several other things that Americans and others should be looking at if they are to effect any real change in their societies. One very important one is to change the propensity toward the over cultivation of “Punks” The more punks a culture has the less likely there is to be change. Punks are just as conservative as the staunchest “Young Republican”. They are also just as arrogant, ignorant, and self-righteous as any other zealot. If there are too many, any move toward revolution or even progress will be thwarted. Dumb as skunks and fightin proud of it.
Punks provide a very important function in preserving the status quo in an oppressive, Fascist regime. All nations have at least two elements in their members, punks, and the rest of the society. The wealthier and more oppressive and militarized, the more you want punks. Punks are eternal boys (or girls, as the case may be). As such, they are perfect for filling the ranks of the military and police, and come in useful to brutalize the rest of society. It is even more effective when the elites glorify their soldiers and police – and therefore, their punks. This encourages the production of even more punks. An example of the wise use of punks is found on Wall Street. These people are rich punks, and behave as such. Without them, there might be some small element of self-control over the money junkie punks looting machines. The government is another example of punks, punks with power. in Yes, people have to see to it that their punks grow up, so they can get with the program, and not support oppressive societies.
Another thing that history will show is that the Palestinians, the Afghanistan’s, the Kashmiris, the Pakistanis, and so on, were the real heroes. They fought the prejudice of the whole world, just as the American Negros did in the 1960s. Every Fascist government and their loyal patriotic brainwashed masses were massed against them, even the so-called Muslim countries and their American puppet governments.
While the rest of the Arab and Muslim world’s governments ignore the plight of these peoples, and the “Good” Westernized, docile Arabs and Muslims did their usual ineffectual weak protest at best, and Uncle Tom bowing and scraping at worst, these people had to fight the greatest military, as well as, propaganda machine in history. People have to wake up and stop this also.
Somehow, people have to move from carrying signs and singing gumbuya, and find ways to deal with their oppressors. They have to figure out what their new society will be like.
One thing that they should be thinking of, along these lines, is land and resource reform. The current entrenched red necked land raping farmers and ranchers, who control vast tracts of land, are helping to add to the scarcity of resources for the people. This keeps the people poor and dependent on these landed gentry and their high priced system of land use. New methods and systems should be implemented to give more people access to these resources, so that better ways of producing food and necessary materials can be developed. Keeping the old inefficient mega farms, ranches, timber industries, and so on, is just another way of oppressing the people.
The military and police will also need to be reformed, along with ending these wars for resources, Israel, and Jesus. Nothing is going to get done within the current system.
PT: Well, those are certainly some interesting points of view, but there is one thing that I have wanted to ask you. How do you like being retired?
WL: Oh, I love it. I love it because I consider it the most productive time for a human being.
PT: I never heard anyone say that before. What do you mean by that?
WL: Look at it from my standpoint. All my life, I have tried to devote as much time and energy to working against the enemies of freedom, justice, and morality, have I not?
PT: Yes. Just like a Chinese Captain America.
WL: Be that as it may. The point is, I loved my various jobs, the field of study I chose, my family, and so on. The thing is, that over the last few years, I finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up, and now, I can pursue that dream.
Sometimes you just have to get to retirement before you can fully have the opportunity to do what you want, or even have the opportunity to know what you want to do. Sometimes it takes a lifetime to figure out what you should have been doing all along. Retirement is like a rebirth that affords you a second chance – that is, if you still have your health, and most of your marbles. I have both. Even if you don’t find that you have developed different goals, you still have a second chance to do it your way, or the same thing, but differently, and so on and so on.
In a lot of ways, I think that the years between 65 and 75 are the best.
PT: What?
WL: Look! The two most important things in the world are how well you fuck, and how well you fight. Everything else in life is secondary and dependent on these two things. In my case, I see no difference in these two thi
ngs. Physically, I am probably at about 90 to 99% of what I was at 20. I may have a few more wrinkles, and a little more grey hairs, but my knowledge, training, and experience more that makes up for any slight change in the physical attributes that I possess. The only thing that I have noticed is a slight touch of arthritis. This, in no way has affected the two Fs. (I should note that the first F is self-explanatory, and the second F consists of the obvious physical aspect, but also includes what I would consider to be the best expression to use as being Jihad, or struggle, endeavor, etc. Struggle against oppression, injustice, and to defend yourself and others against injustice. This is what I mean by “Fighting”.)
In my case, I am grateful that I have the chance to retire, so that I can spend the rest of my life working to help change the world for the better, and struggle to end the many problems that unjust systems are creating for the common man today. I now have the opportunity to do this with my full time and attention, and have the independence and secure income to do it, without having to devote part of my time to working for an income. What a boon this is, and what a stupid thing it is for an oppressive society, bent on destruction and enslavement of the