Conversations Page 11
change, and then not real change, but just a substitute of one leader for another, in the same system.
The Muslims, on the other hand, make the perfect complement to the Americans and their naiveté. They are the ideal “Other”, boogieman, Emanuel Goldstein, etc. The make the perfect enemy. The Muslims/Arabs are at once a highly diversified set of cultures, and a highly homogeneous single culture. Their actions and ideas lend themselves to a wonderful convenience for the West’s propaganda. The antics of the tribal backward cultures – their treatment of women, their going nuts over a naughty cartoon of their religious icon, their tribal bickering and murdering of each other, plays right into the hands of the West’s propagandists. Even though this state of affairs has nothing to do with the teachings of Islam, but is rather an artifact of the tribal roots of their original culture prior to Islam, the West is perfectly willing to equate such nonsense with Islam, for its own benefit.
On the other hand, even the most developed cultures and theologies of the more modern Muslims, still maintains this “immigrant” culture of not speaking up, rocking the boat, or defending one’s self or culture from attack. They maintain a need to remain invisible and to show their gratitude and acceptance and agreement with the main culture of the country where they live. Thus, they will never question the fairytale of 911, or deny blame for any criticism of their “Culture”, etc. They will not explore, they will not stand up, they will not defend themselves, they will not question, and they seek only to fit in – while maintaining an “Otherness” that makes them the idea scapegoat. What else could America or the West ask for in an enemy?
The West can pick and choose elements of the Muslims as it pleases, for fodder for its propaganda – machismos here, martyrs there, clannishness another place, and otherworldliness everywhere.
The people need to wake up, and understand the world they live in. Their countries and their governments and elites are not there to help the people, or see to their needs. They are there to use the people and the resources of the country for their own shortsighted gains. The ruling class is a psychopathic gang of users and money junkies that want it all - all the money, labor, love, etc. that the people can supply. Somehow, the people need to learn to step back from the worship of their respective countries, governments, and cultures, and see that they are being used, manipulated, and lied to, in order to provide comfort and success to the elites. There are several lies that the people have to see that they are living under, and that the rulers have instilled in them as truths. What are these lies?
The government is here to help do for you what you cannot do for yourself, and protect you from the evil that would befall you without them.
In reality, the government considers the people and all the resources in the country – animals, plants, minerals, water, air, etc. – as their personal property, given to them by the nature of their superiority over everyone and thing else. You are there to serve the state and make the government, elites, corporations, bankers, and so on, rich and powerful beyond anything you could ever possibly imagine. Can you see this? If you can’t, then there is the problem with your world. The problem is not the government, not the elites, not God, not Satin, not the Democrats or Republicans. It is you. Until you can solve, at least this problem, there is no chance of you helping to solve any other problem.
In order to solve this problem, the first thing you have to do is to turn off Fox News. If you could manage just this one action, your whole world could change overnight. This one act would be such a fantastically novel, unusual, and un-American step, that you would already be half way toward a new state of being and enlightenment, and it would make the next step almost insignificant and trivial. After you turn off Fox, the next thing you would have to do is to replace it with some other source of information and ideas. You could do this with abcnbccbscnn and so on, but then you would just have made the ultimate sacrifice for an American – giving up your beloved Fox – and not really changed much of anything. Try some of the web sites, books, authors, etc., at the end of this book. Even if you went no further that, and Noam Chomsky, these would lead you into a whole new world of possibilities and ideas that most people never get exposed to.
The police – I call them “Pigs”, just because I was born and raised in Berkeley, California – are here to protect and serve you, and to do this by enforcing just and reasonable laws designed to provide freedom and peace to the people. (My God! If you believe this one, read no further. Have I got a deal for you on some of Saddam’s WMDs!)
Are you unable to see how the pigs act? Are you one of the people who voted to acquit the pigs who beat Rodney King? Are you one of the people who are so blind, and good, and naive, that you can only see what the government tells you that you see? If you will just turn off Fox News, you will see that the pigs are there to protect and serve the government and the ruling elites. They serve the local, state, Federal, governments, and the corporate, governmental, and social elites of the country. You are tolerated as long as you do not get in the way of this duty, and do not question or disobey one of the rules that keep you in your place and the status qua that protects the elites, running smoothly. “Police officers” are made up of returning military, and other criminal elements of our society, that are looking for some cowboy type fun, rousting the local cattle (you), and at the same time, enjoying the back up and protection that all bullies – and therefore cowards – seek. Stop it! Stop worshiping the gun toting lackeys that that bash the heads of your fellow citizens, and you, should you question the Fascism of your rulers. Naiveté is not cute anymore. You have no right to be so brainwashed and naïve in these times and this place. You are part of the system that is oppressing everyone else. Do you think that your God will send that big sugar cube down from the clouds to take you up to the big house with him, after you support and defend such fascist thugs?
The next lie is related to the previous one. The soldiers are our heroes. They are fighting to protect us, and for freedom, etc., etc. They are fighting an enemy that hates us for our freedoms, blab, blab, and blab.
In reality, the soldiers are fighting for the Fascist government, corporations profits, for Israel’s paranoia, to grab resources, and to crush any democracies that might pop up. They are murdering, raping, and plundering their way across foreign lands, but that is O.K. with you and 99% or the rest of your fellow Americans, because you hate and fear Muslims, because you and your ancestors have been propagandized this way for 1400 years. This is the same reason that the soldiers are able to do what they do. Just don’t be surprised when you die, and wake up in the dark regions, along with every soldier that ever fought in a war for America.
911 – And every other act of terror that you know of for that matter – was done by Muslim Arabs, right out of the Stone Age, led by a man in a cave in Afghanistan. This, we call Al Queada, which really exists, and is not just an Emanuel Goldstein type construction of the government, to frighten you into accepting draconian attacks on your rights.
Your big invisible playmate in the sky gave Palestine to a bunch of Kazarian converts to Judaism, ran is making an atomic bomb, etc., etc., etc. Why go on, you know the myths as well as anyone. The problem is, you actually believe them, and you are in great company. As the rest of the world gets as stupid and ignorant as the Americans, they are joining your ranks, as true believers and zealots.
So, besides turning off Fox News and getting some alternative views of the world, what else needs to be done? I think the next thing that needs to be done, is as I have said before, get in contact with others, and wake them up. This can be done anonymously, covertly, and individually, in a disorganized and leaderless resistance. While this is going on, everyone should be thinking about what to do in order to alleviate the confusion problems of the transition from the current system to the new one that is to take its place. Instead of running around shooting each other and starving,
you should be thinking of a new monetary system, or some other way of exchange of goods and services, what type of government there will be, and other things that are necessary for a smoother transition between the old and the new, as quickly, orderly, and painlessly as possibly. This current way is rotting so bad, that even the most zealous American should be able to smell it, and should think about stopping defending it, and get with the new coming program. You need to start sharing ideas as to how this change can be brought about as peacefully as possible. You need to think about such things as who is going to be put in jail, and who is going to just be required to leave their positions, and so on.
PT: Well, it sounds like there are a lot of things to do, if change is to be done. I know you have several other ideas about what is going on in the world today. Can you discuss some to them?
WL: The first observation that I’d like to make is that I think that history will show something very different from what the average American or Westerner now believes, and from what the propaganda masters