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Conversations Page 10

each too big to control?

  I myself wouldn’t mind seeing all the bankers and so on just “Retired”, or given other “Real” jobs. Let them review petri dishes or count stars on plates for Astronomers. Just get them out of power, and never let them return to any position of power again. Maybe we could just pay them off and get rid of them. It is cheaper than letting them continue destroying the country, environment and the world.


  PT: Well, let me ask you about another controversial position that you have. Did America’s – and the West’s - phony war on terror, start out to be a war on Islam, and just turn into a war on everything and everyone, including their own citizens, or was it always meant to be a war on everyone, from the beginning? Another question one might ask is: Is it a war for Israel and resources that just blossomed into a war on everything and everyone?

  WL: Good question. I think the answer is yes. “Wars” are never started for just one reason. I think that things just escalated when the bosses saw good opportunities to gain more power over everything that they ever wanted and hated. Above all, the elites and rulers of the world just want it all - all the money, resources, power, and destruction of everything. The whole system is rotten, governments, religions, cultures, everything. We are ruled by evil, psychopaths and insane despots in every aspect of our cultures and countries, and it is simply time to get rid of them all, and start over with something better. If we can do this peacefully, all the better.

  PT: Wow! What a tall order, and what an enormous problem we have.

  WL: That is true, but when things are so complicated and difficult, the solution is very simple. Dump it all, and start over. Iceland did it, at least with their government and bankers. I don’t think they had any real problems with their basic culture, like the rest of us appear to have.

  PT: What is the solution then? How do we “Get rid of the whole thing” and start over?

  WL: I think that the real problem is not the governments, elites, corporations, or even corrupt and insane religious and other leaders. I think that the real problem is the people. The problem is that the people are so sheepish, and indoctrinated, that they will not recognize that there is a problem, and therefore, are not looking for solutions or other ways of being or thinking. They are stuck with their paradigms, and cannot think outside of the box. There are the few that protest, and want change, etc., but even these are stuck with a basic belief in the current system, and ways of doing things. For example, they think that what is needed is a different political party to take over, or a new ruler to step in to the same old system, or to go back to the imagined glorious past, when ministers didn’t molest little boys, politicians feared their constituents, and their countries only fought “Good” wars for freedom and other just causes, etc.

  If there was not an Iceland, some sharp philosopher or social scientist would invent one in order to explain what is needed, or as an example of a possible alternative to the current state of the world. The Icelandic solution was just as radical and outside of the box as the Russian, French, or American Revolution were in their times. But, even that could have gone further.

  PT: I want to ask you why do you think that the people are to blame, and not the elites, etc., and what is it about the people, culture, etc. that is so problematic?

  WL: Very important questions. First, let me say that, perhaps, “Fault” is not the proper word to use with regard to the people, or even in regard to the elites, government, etc. I think that, in a very real sense, it is not accurate to use the idea of fault or blame, as it the problem is moral or about evil, etc. The more I see of the absolute criminal stupidity, blindness, and lack of a view to the consequences for the future, the more it seems as if all parties are truly mentally ill, if not downright insane. Maybe all evil is just that, insanity. In any case, it does no good to name call, or blame people. Whether you like it or not, the vast majority of people are like little children, the more you blame and criticize them, the more defenses they put between you and them. Let’s just say that there are several reasons that I think that it is the responsibility of the people to change things.

  It is the responsibility of the common man, the people, to recognize that there is a problem, what it is, and how to correct it. It is the common man, the “99%”, that is being the most affected by all the cruel laws, institutions, and so on that the elites, government, bankers, and corporations are foisting on the rest of the world. Further, it is from the ranks of the common man, that the elites recruit the members of the armed forces, police, spies, Adolph Eichmanns, and the rest of the gun toting lackeys and sniveling little toadies that do their dirty work.

  PT: Is this fair? If the people are so brainwashed, scared, and so on, can they be held responsible for their enslavement?

  WL: Who ever told you that things are fair? I only see practical and impractical, or successful and not successful. Let me try to explain what I mean with an example. If you are being chased, or shot at, etc., you have a duty to yourself to run, or fight, to protect yourself. It probably isn’t a good idea to stop and attempt to explain the laws of Christian morality, and have a long discourse with some lunatic that is chasing you. It is for your own good, that you are required by nature, to recognize the problem, and do whatever you must to protect yourself. It doesn’t matter that the person after you is acting immorally or socially incorrectly or counterproductively.

  Another reason why it is the people’s responsibility is that they are the necessary element for the elites to have their way. Not only do they supply the cannon fodder and ranks for the military, police, etc., as above mentioned, but they supply the tax revenue for the great machines of oppression. It is also the people who support the elites and their indoctrination of their fellows into a useful moral code to serve the elite’s purpose. The people; parents, teachers, ministers, psychologists, etc., enforce and reinforce the indoctrination by the elites. They are the ones that keep their fellows in line and toing the line.

  It is necessary to have a goodly sized majority of the population that accepts and supports the status quo. Just as Ancient Rome gave “The Mob” bread and circus to keep them happy and loving the elites, today, they give them beer and football, or beer and Dancing with the Stars, etc. The government derives their power from the consent and support of the people. Without this, the government and their cronies are in danger. It is the people who hold the power. This means that they also hold the power to change things. This is why I say that it is the responsibility of the people to change things, to know what is going on, and to figure out what the proper solution, and route is.

  PT: The thing that I cannot understand is why don’t the people get mad at their oppressors, and do something?

  WL: Yes. States should be seceding from the union, counties from the states, bankers, corporate executives, high government officials and elected representatives, should all be in jail or awaiting trial, etc. In a different time and place, there would not be just a few thousand people in the streets holding hands and singing gumbuya. There would be hundreds of thousands in the streets, and they would have their shotguns, tar, and feathers out. Of course it could be worse than it is here and now. It could be like Columbia or any of a dozen other countries where the people are completely disarmed, and helpless. If they dare to speak up, they are instantly martyred.

  PT: It’s like I always say, any man who hates his government and fears his countrymen can’t be all bad. What should people be doing?

  WL: Before we get into that, let me tell you what we are dealing with.

  This is America, in the 21st. century. You don’t have the right to be naive or criminally stupid anymore. It’s no longer “Cute”. You have two elements in the world that, together, make a perfect storm of a war on everyone and everything. These two elements are the two peoples that, as a social theorist and philosopher, I just love - the Muslims/Arabs, and the Americans. I
f they didn’t exist in reality, some philosopher or sociologist would create them to use as examples of how not to be and what not to do. Of course, these two groups have become just archetypes for all brainwashed citizens of oppressive, fascist governments (Americans), and the necessary scapegoats for the brainwashed citizens’ hatred (Muslim/Arabs).

  I should note that not all of the members of these two elements - are Muslims and Arabs, or the Americans - share the attributes that make them into the useful pawns that most of their fellows are, but the majority of each group does tend to follow their respective parts in the great game of life created by the ruling elites. Some people have woken up, and are not playing the game.

  The Americans make such great citizens of their fascist nation. They are so trusting, patriotic, and dumbed down, that the elites are almost totally guaranteed a docile, compliant, and supportive citizenry to carry out and support their every diabolical plan. They seldom think that the system that they live under could be anything but the best of all possible worlds. If a few of them ever do come to question the correctness of their system, they will use only the most feeble and gentle means to try to affect