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Conversations Page 9

for the future, outside of the balance sheet that comes out tomorrow. The thing that I can’t see is why don’t more of the common people see this?

  I have also been trying to form some sort of an opinion as to who is “Us”, and who is “Them”. It seems that it would be nice to be able to firm up the grey areas with some reasonable parameters. It’s like “Who is the Middle class?” Is it anyone who makes between $25,000.00 and $400,000.00 per year? Another question: Are the gun toting lackeys part of us or them? How many “Classes” are there? I could go on.

  I guess the main stumbling block to any kind of reform is: whoever “Us” or “Them” are, the people that want change need a lot more of “Us”, than there are of “Them”, and they need them to be a lot more animated and willing to leave the status quo in the past. The people also need to be a little less naïve when it comes to deciding what and when the reform is really reform and not just a bait and switch scheme pulled on them by the elites.

  PT: What exactly do you mean by that? Who is going to pull a “Bait and switch” on the people?


  WL: Let me give you an example. Take the “Arab Spring” of 2011, for an example. Somehow the Government and the power elites seem to be able to turn every social upheaval or attempt to crawl out from under the boot of oppression back to their benefit again. They almost always seem to be able to bring the people back to the same old enslavement to the elites that the people just thought they got rid of. Look at Egypt. The people are, once again, struggling to get out from under the boot of their current dictator that they just elected. Where do these despots come from, and why do the people elect them? Can’t the people find someone that isn’t from the same old mold that they just overturned?

  You always hear the excuse that the people of the Middle East “Don’t know what Democracy is, and never have had the experience of a democratic government”. This is supposed to explain the absolute idiocy of the people. I think that there is a different explanation for it. The people are always mystified by what happens to their attempted coup. They cannot fathom what happened. This is because they cannot seem to have any novel ideas. They continue to play the elites game by their rules, on their turf. They always let some religious charlatan or other fast talking psychopathic carnie take over as head of the movement. They always think that by changing players, there will magically be real change.

  There always seem to be some outsource source, sneaking into the revolution to turn it to the benefit of the elites, the government, the corporations, banks, and the system in general that the people are trying to get rid of. It’s like magic.

  I think that the only way to stop this type of thing is to make sure that, before you start your revolution against the powers that rule and control you, you must make sure that as many people as possible are on the same page. You first have to bring about a true revolution within your own group, whether that group be the citizens of a country, a culture, an age group, a social class, or whatever. If you want an example of what not to do, just look at Occupy Wall Street. They never knew what they wanted. All they knew was that something wasn’t right with the system. The elites were able to send in their minions to distract the people from organizing and simplifying their goals and objectives, and the movement died. First you need a clear, unifying idea and goal. Then you need to know, before you start your overthrow of the elites, who is going to rule you, if anyone, and what form that rule is going to take.

  If you want an example closer to home, look at the last election in 2012, in the U.S. You had Obama and Romney - two of the biggest psychopathic salesmen in the world, with tons of proof to back them up. The people didn’t even know there were other parties running - Jill Stein of the Green Party, and Rocky Anderson of the Justice Party, stick out in my mind. If you listened to them, you could see a real spark of intelligence, and real solutions to the problems that plague the U.S. Did anybody? No. The people just played the same game on the same turf, by the same rules. The elites are always able to have the rubes play the same old game, that they control.

  Of course, there are always some that have ideas that would institute real change, but their ideas never get any real play. More people need to be exposed to their alternative ideas, but this never seems to happen. The majority is always stuck in the same rut that never works.

  PT: Can you give an example of something that might work?

  WL: How about an Icelandic solution? Kick out the government that causes the problems, put the bankers in jail, and declare all debts, run up by bailouts and other scams, as void. It’s all just bookkeeping entries anyway. The people are only enslaved to the elites and their scams because they believe in their reality. Just declare a Jubilee, and let’s start over.

  After this, the people could go after the corporate elites, and put them in jail. Then they could work on the states seceding from the union, then the counties seceding from the states.

  PT: Well, that’s an interesting idea, but I just don’t see the people going along with it.

  WL: Of course the people would not go along with it. The first thing that is needed is for the few that do see the need for a radical solution, to educate the rest. Only after this phase is achieved can the real work of change begin. The people have to be woken up first.

  PT: Well, let’s turn to another aspect of your idea. How would you accomplish this waking up of the masses?

  WL: The first thing that the people, who are already waking up, would have to do is to realize that they need to concentrate mainly on their fellow citizens first, before they can have any real effect on the elites. The numbers of people in a society that are actually working for change is miniscule. This isn’t necessarily bad, as long as the people working for change realize it. Too many times, the resistance likes to think that they are growing by leaps and bounds, and that, if they only yell louder, more people will join them. They don’t realize that the rest of their society is so totally brainwashed and scared to recognize the truth that they need real guidance and effort to be brought into the light. While you cannot ignore the protest march and petition, etc., your main emphasis has to be on gaining converts. You have to get numbers on your side.

  PT: How do you do this, if the people are so stuck in their mental ruts?

  WL: There are many things to be done, if you are willing to think exponentially. You also have to think individually, and consider “Leaderless and Disorganized” Resistance.

  PT: Can you elaborate on these ideas a little?

  WL: How about the idea of dropping a dollar in the hat of some group that is working for change, and sending an article to some sleeping beauty. If one person does this one time, it won’t make much of a difference, but if as many people as possible does it, and does it on a monthly or weekly basis; you will have a real effect. You have to think of ways to get this idea started, and get as many people as you can to also do it.

  If each person would decide to go this route, and do it on their own, without anyone organizing them, maybe you could start a snowball rolling. This is an example of a Leaderless or Disorganized Resistance. It could be like a “Chain Letter” type of movement. Each individual using emails; flyers; postings to forums, face book, and blogs; commenting to articles; etc.; and encouraging others to do the same. It would be like the “White Rose” in Nazi Germany. A small group of students and others, made up flyers, and passed them out anonymously and covertly. At the bottom of the flyer was a request to make copies and pass them around to others.

  Of course, having “Organized” resistance is also good to have at the same time. It would be great if every church, temple, and mosque had a monthly political action committee meeting, and did the same, getting the word out to as many sleeping citizens as possible.

  By taking both covert and overt actions, and both organized and disorganized actions, it makes it harder for the government to infiltrate, subvert
, and shut down the movement. You also will build up more and more people that can do the same proselytizing.

  PT: So, what are you going to do with all these converts? Would you grab your torches and pitch forks and march on the Whitehouse?

  WL: Well, Iceland did it. You wouldn’t even need pitch forks or torches. Iceland did it with pots and spoons.

  This does bring up one issue. I don’t see where there has been given very much, if any, thought to what the country would look like if a revolution should be successful. What do you do with the bankers, corporate executives, lobbyists, Senators, Congressmen, judges, etc. that have all contributed to the degradation of the country? What do you do with the gun toting lackeys and sniveling little toadies in the police departments, FBI, CIA, military, etc., that have done the dirty work of their corporate and government masters. Are they innocent of any wrong doing? What did the Nuremberg Trials decide about these, about the Adolph Eichmanns?

  What type of government would one put in the place of this current one? Another failed Fascist, so-called democracy? Can’t one think of better alternatives? How about states or even counties seceding from the union? Do we have to have a world of giant super states,