Conversations Page 2
swastika on it. Then the screen went dark. Is this any different than the movies we see now with Chuck Norris fighting off a hoard of Arab “Terrorists”?
It all never changes, and the people still, as then, never are able to step back and see what is going on. As to why the people are like this, who can say for sure. Is it years and generations of propaganda? Is it that they are just so dumbed down and ignorant of psychology and how it is working on them? Is it a natural condition of humans to flow toward patriotism and worship of the state? Is it all of these?
I was watching “911, experts speak out”, about the absurdities of 911. They were talking about why people cannot see beyond the lies of the government’s myth about 911. They mentioned “Cognitive Dissonance” – where people cannot accept anything that disturbs their orderly world view. They also talked about other defense mechanisms people use. Cognitive Dissonance my ass! I can think of several other words to describe what is going on in the peoples’ minds. How about “Arrogance and Hubris”, or “Xenophobia and Fascism”, Hegemony and Ego”, “Exceptionalism and Bigotry”, or “Islamophobia and Cowardice”, just to name a few.
If you want an example of this, how about the blind support America and the West give to “That shitty little state”, Israel? The way that Americans – and all Westerners for that matter – think about that shitty little state and its crazy, fanatical, delusional inhabitants and supporters, this is the best example of what is wrong with the world and the retarded, brain dead, sheep that populate it.
Here you have a group of religious zealots and their supporters, claiming that the big boogieman in the sky told them that they own some land in the desert, and they have to go over there and kick out the squatters that have been there for thousands of years, since long before the big boogieman even first spoke to them. If anyone doesn’t support these people, they will be cursed by the big boogieman, and go to Hell.
The only problem is that they are not the decedents of the people that the big boogieman spoke to; they are a group of central Asians that converted to the boogieman’s religion just a few hundred years ago. Furthermore, they are not even religious people, as they do not follow any of the rules put down by the big boogieman. To top this off, they justify all of their genocide by saying that it is necessary to do it to the Palestinian people, because the German government did the exact same thing to them, or so they claim.
Now, to my mind, anyone that can believe this crap will fall for anything. They will fall for the fairytale that 19 Stone Age Muslims, led by a sick guy in a cave can thwart the greatest security system in the modern world and hijack 4 planes and fly them into buildings, all while not being able to fly even puddle jumpers. They will believe that some Afghanistan shopkeeper or goat herder, making $50.00 per month and supporting a family of 10, is a threat to you in your house 10,000 miles away. They will believe that some cabbie that has been tortured and water boarded daily for years, really did mastermind American operations for 911, and point to his supposed confession as proof positive. They will gladly believe all of the other nonsensical comic book conspiracies that the government puts out, but they will never believe that their government is anything but true and pure. If you dare to ask any question about these or other silly beliefs or positions, they will turn on you like ravenous dogs, and bite your head off.
So, I guess that this is what is making me just a little down in the mouth. After trying for years to get people to wake up to some of the holes in these, and other stories, after trying to get them to look into some of the truly evil practices of their governments, and the treatment that their soldiers and police mead out to them and others, I get a little down. After watching them ignore or outright refuse to look at any of the books, videos, papers, websites, etc., that are out there in the hundreds and thousands, it is a bit of an irritation.
I suppose that you could say that it is none of my business what others think, and you would be right. It is just that their “Sweetness”, naiveté, criminal blindness, hatred, stupidity, and so on, makes them support the worst dictators, criminal cartels, psychopathic monsters, liars, torturers, mass murders, and genocidal maniacs that the world has ever known. I suppose this is also none of my business either, and I really shouldn’t concern myself with such matters, except that I am afraid that I , or my family ,might be the next victim of these monsters. After all, I am not as pure as these good citizens. I was born and raised in Berkeley, California. Being from Berkeley, and growing up there in the 60’s, I was 16 before I realized that “Fuck” and “America” were two different words. It was years before I realized that some “Pigs” had 4 legs and a curly tail. I thought that they all wore blue and carried badges and guns. I always thought that “Patriot” was a four letter word.
PT: Well, I certainly see where you might have something to be worried about. Non-patriotic, non-flag waving morons are not very popular these days. I did have one question for you though. You mention that it is the majority of the people who are the more or less mindless, indoctrinated masses, etc. What about those few citizens who are more or less aware that things are not right in the country. They are protesting and trying other ways to change things and get some kind of justice done. What about the people who are writing the books and doing the videos, etc. that are critical of the government, elites, corporations, and the citizens who are so asleep?
WM: Yes, we should be thankful for the few that are trying to do something to make this world better. There are quite a few individuals and groups that are attacking the corruption and excess of the government and others. The problem is that they just seem to be stuck in the same old ruts of carrying signs and holding hands and singing Gumbya. Back in the middle of the last century, if you could draw enough crowds, you might scare the politicians enough to make them take notice. Today, it just doesn’t work. What with the voter fraud, and dwindling base of activists, no one pays attention, least of all the sold out media.
Another problem with the few that are trying to do something is that they just don’t get what the real issues are, who is doing things, and how to solve the problem. They are stuck with trying to change a law here and there, or get a Bill passed and so on. It is way too late for that.
I remember a conversation I heard on the television, about the Housing Bubble, Wall Street, and the like. The guy was saying that it looked like progress was being made in getting the Glass Steagall Act back, and maybe, in the next few years, this might be corrected. In the next few years? Any idea how many people will be ruined by then, how many billions of dollars will go down the tubes? That’s like closing the barn door after your horse got out of the barn, jumped the fence and joined the local wild horse mob, and years later, Thunderbolt, her grandson, is leading the mob in a stampede against your ranch.
There is also the problem that, even those who are putting out information and countering the propaganda of the government and the elites, will never see the whole picture. They will never see how much damage has been done to the human race and the minds, souls, and hearts of the people by the years of propaganda fed them, even if someday the truth does come out. A case in point is 911. If tomorrow, George Bush were to stand up and declare that he did 911, and Israel helped him, the hate and bigotry directed towards Muslims and Arabs would never end. These are now too ingrained in the American and Western psyche to be removed. They are now unquestioned paradigms, so evidently true and right, that they will never be questioned. This is just one of many examples I could give.
Most of the people, who are willing to admit that things are not right, still hold to the basic paradigms ingrained in their little minds. They still believe in their country and love it and want to make it better. They still believe that their country was once a great moral bastion of justice, etc., that just recently went astray. They know that it is only this particular war that is unjust, all the prior wars were necessary and right. I could go on, and on.
The problem is th
at the people are just partially aware, some of the time, in some place or another, and about some thing or another. You can never have all of the people know all of the truth, all of the time. The thing is, the whole system and all of the types of countries, governments, institutions, and so on, are rotten and outmoded and designed for the elites. They always have been, are now, and always will be. The entire system, philosophies, paradigms, and so on, has to be scrapped and we need to start over again, fresh. At least Federal governments have to be ended, and maybe even State governments. Maybe even all governments and something else put in their places.
PT: I would love to hear more about some of the things you have talked about, but the Library looks like it is opening. Can we continue this discussion another day?
WM: That sounds good. I have to get going myself. See you later.
The other day, I was out walking the dog. He wasn’t getting down to business, and didn’t seem to be interesting in doing it any time soon, so I had walked quite a distance. As I was walking him, I saw an old acquaintance of mine on the corner.