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Conversations Page 3

It was Willie “Boom, Boom” Mahalic. It looked like he was going the same way that I was, so I motioned to him to wait-up. He waited for me to catch up, and we walked together for a while, while the dog did his thing – several times. We talked as we walked, and this is how our conversation went:

  PT: Well, Willie, what have you been doing lately?

  WM: Well, I guess you could say that I have still been preoccupied with the way things are going on the resistance front.

  PT: What resistance front is that? I myself don’t see much of anything happening. It seems like everyone is just stalled in a “Business as usual” mode of operating.

  WM: That’s about how I see it as well. It seems as if the people can’t figure out what to do next. Oh sure, they still do a few protests now and again, and the internet is full of new videos and articles about the truth behind 911, the housing bubble, Wall Street crooks, and so on, but it’s kind of like the weather, everyone talks about it, but nobody does anything about it.

  PT: Well, what do you think the people ought to do about all of these issues?

  WM: I don’t know if they are going to be able to do much of anything about what is going on. I think that the people of the U.S.A. have finally achieved their wet dream. Everywhere you turn, someone is spouting the sentiment that goes something like this: “Now remember, we mustn’t do anything violent. Remember to stay on the sidewalk, I am willing to die for the cause, but there is no cause I am willing to kill for”. You here these or other such nonsense wherever you turn in the resistance movement in this country. In other countries, this sort of attitude is, more or less, catching on, but it is in the U.S. where it seems to be rampant. Not that I disagree with it or anything.

  PT: Well, don’t you agree with this sentiment? Don’t you know that, anyone who would use violence in trying to achieve change would be playing right into the hands of the authorities, and would be giving them the excuse they want to come down a thousand times harder on the people? I think that if one protester hit one cop, or shot one corporate executive or government representative, the establishment would kill a hundred citizens, and do it with pleasure. Additionally, none of your compatriots would back your actions up, and you would lose support for the cause.

  WM: Oh, Absolutely!

  PT: Then what is it that you don’t agree with in this strategy?

  WM: Actually, I agree with everything. I think it is absolutely correct in its estimations and conclusions. I think that it is absolutely the best policy to follow, it has the highest moral principles to back it up, the best logic behind it, and the backing of the most noble and intelligent thinkers. In fact, I agree with it in every way, and would never suggest or think of any other way of doing things.

  PT: Then what is your issue with this position?

  WM: Nothing. In fact, there is only one slight flaw that I have been able to find with it.

  PT: What is that?

  WM: Well, it doesn’t work, but other than that, it’s perfect.

  PT: What?

  WM: So far, the things that the people have been doing to try to effect change have not been working. Nothing is changing. The establishment continues on the same course. They ignore, or don’t recognize, the need for change. They still continue making wars on other countries, in order to obtain their wealth, all the while claiming that it is “National security” that drives them. They continue to use false flag operations like 911, or wave phony boogiemen, like Ben Laden and the like, in front of the people, and claim that this is the reason that they have to use the peoples’ money for more wars. It just goes no, and on, and on. So far, nothing the people do or say is changing anything. The government continues to bail out crooked corporations with the peoples’ money. The list goes on, and on.

  PT: So what are you suggesting?

  WM: I am suggesting that the American people have finally achieved their wet dream. They are actually right in their belief that violent revolution is not the way to achieve change. The government, corporations, and other elite elements of the society are too powerful and entrenched for either violence or non-violence to now work.

  There are too many willing lackeys and toadies that willingly follow the elites and the crooked government. Additionally, the majority of the people are too brainwashed and patriotic to support any revolution, no matter how peaceful. They don’t recognize the need.

  The ruling elites are too emboldened and ruthless to allow change, no matter how it is proposed. They are capable of doing anything to protect their power, wealth, and privilege. If the people ever did break a window, or even so much as a fingernail of the elites, there would be unleashed, such a torrent of reprisals, that the people would never forget.

  PT: So what are the people to do?

  WM: What is needed is a new way of doing things. Something that does not involve holding hands and singing Gumbya, or shooting down members of the government, corporate raiders, or their gun toting lackeys in the police or military in the street.

  There are many things that are different about the times we live in, from any other time. There are also many things that are the same. Some of the things that are different today are: the ability of the government to spy on the people –due to how they communicate with cell phones and the like, the advanced weapons the elites control, and the revolution in communication. The similarities are: the distrust, fear, and hate that the government and elites feel toward the people; the concentration of wealth in the 1%; and the same old brainwashing techniques used by the elites and the way that the people keep on falling for it, and never seem to realize that they are being propagandized. I could go on and on. Basically, the elites are better at what they do, and the people are stupider than at any other time. This state of affairs, the similarities and differences with the past, makes it even more difficult to overcome the elites’ agenda today. But it still could be done.

  PT: So how should this be done?

  WM: You need three steps. First, and most important, you need to educate the people. Wake them up, as it were. The people have to be on the same page, and mad as hell at the right people. Second, you need plenty of ideas to give to the people for leaderless resistance. Finally, you need to add to the leaderless resistance – not replace - an organized resistance of some kind. All this sounds simple, but it will never happen. I guarantee it. At least not in the U.S. And, I have come to the conclusion that it shouldn’t even be attempted.

  PT: What? And why is that?

  WM: There are so many reasons. The time and conditions are just not right. The elite elements are just too powerful, and good at what they do. The people are just too disorganized even to begin to organize. Despite all the information and evidence of all the rotten things the elites do and who is doing what and how they are doing it, there are too many people that still believe in the government and the system. Finally, the people that do oppose the status quo are just too timid and “good” to really do anything necessary to change things. Maybe if things get worse, then the time will be right. For now, I recommend keeping your eyes down and your mouths shut, like the Muslims do.

  PT: Wow! What a change! And why bring the Muslims into this? I thought that the Muslims were the ones that wanted to convert the world, blow up things, and hated us for our freedoms.

  WM: The Muslims are the ones that are the greatest victims. They are the perfect citizens. Their love for the U.S. and its systems are making it easy for the government and elites. They accept what they are told - how Muslims are terrorists, etc. – and don’t question anything. The Western powers love them because they make perfect scape goats, and they know how to behave. But, let’s not get into this right now.

  PT: O.K. But we have to discuss this more at a later time.

  So, what now? Do you really think that the people should do nothing to try to better their lot? Should they continue to suffer under the cruel scams of the government and the elites? Should they wait for more false fl
ag operations like 911, the London bombings, the phony car bombings in all Arab and Muslim countries, the wars for oil and Israel, the erosion of more freedoms, spying, etc.?

  WM: The people need to learn more. They need to learn just what the government, corporations, and elites are capable of, and what their true agenda and motivation is. Above all, they need to learn what they need to do to make things better, and what the purpose of life is and what the purpose of government is. They need to get serious about their place in the world, and what the limits and parameters of government should be. But these are subjects for another time. I see you have walked your dog for quite a while. He must be getting tired.

  PT: Yes, you are right. I have to get him back to the house. We will talk again.


  The other day, I was at the local Flea Market, walking around checking out the prices for various articles. As I walked around, I saw a familiar face in the crowd. No, it wasn’t Willie Mahalic. It was a character that I had not seen in quite some time, Harry Ziboo. Before I could get his attention, he noticed me and waved. As I approached him, I noticed that he was heatedly arguing with one of the vendors. As I got nearer, I could hear his conversation. He was irritated about how prices of the vendor’s prices for the vegetables seemed